I Could Have Written That!

Musings about the field of educational technology and life in general

Monday, September 04, 2006

Percentage of online students that drop out

There is some controversy as to the level of student attrition from online courses. References in this article are made to researchers who have placed the online attrition rates anywhere from 80% on down to just 10-20% higher than traditional course drop out rates.

Reasons for online course attrition according to this researcher include:
Learner’s background variables—Such as “maturity, personal circumstances and previous experience”
Environmental variables—Such as “family, social and work commitments”
Academic variables—Such as previous academic success and “fit between the learner and the subject being studied”

I LOVE my online courses, so it’s hard to relate to those who don’t follow through with their own courses.

Tyler-Smith, K. (2005). Early attrition among first time eLearners: A review of factors that contribute to drop-out, withdrawal and n-completion rates of adult learners undertaking eLearning programmes. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching. Retrieved Sept. 3, 2006, from http://jolt.merlot.org/Vol2_No2_TylerSmith.htm


At 5:56 PM , Blogger JensenBlog said...

Sarah, you are exactly right about drop outs. I had another thougt, maybe students are dropping out because of the quality of the course. Brooks stated "students often think they are getting a high quality education when they are actually getting a sub-par experience. Brooks, L.,How the Attitudes of Instructors, Students, Course Administrators, and Course Designers Affects the Quality of an Online Learning Environmenthttp://www.westga.edu/~distance/ojdla/winter64/brooks64.htm


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