I Could Have Written That!

Musings about the field of educational technology and life in general

Monday, September 04, 2006

Teaching standards for online teachers

It would stand to reason for me that the standards for online teachers would be the same as the National Technology Standards for Teachers, in general, located at:
http://cnets.iste.org/teachers/t_stands.html. These six standards are important for any teacher in this information age and include, among other things, requirements that teachers: learn to use technology, continuously hone their technology skills, integrate technology into their classrooms, use technology to make their jobs easier, and model appropriate technology use.

Surely these standards apply as much to online teachers as to teachers in physical classrooms. I just don’t understand any teacher who doesn’t see the value of technology in the classroom and who doesn’t feel personally responsible to learn how to best use technology in education.


At 8:07 PM , Blogger JensenBlog said...

Sarah, this is the reference for some readings on new technologies available for teachers. Think of a handheld device to immediately enter a student's assessment.
This could be used for the betterment of the student learner. "Then, teachers can tailor instruction based on students' needs".

At 11:10 PM , Blogger Lisa Dawley, Ph.D. said...

Do you feel a teacher needs a different skill set to teach online vs. integrate technologies into a live classroom? If so, what is that skill set or knowledge base? What is the foundational knowledge that all online teachers should be accountable to know?


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